Although I am not obligated
as a fiduciary, I am acting as one.
What kind of friend is Canada?
In recent weeks, the Liberal Party of Canada has attempted to engineer its resurrection by foisting the spectre of America as Canada’s enemy. This accompanied by a choreographed leadership campaign married to a politically-motivated prorogation of Parliament that should have most Canadians outraged. It is lamentable that it does not and certainly does not bode…
Why bring an economist to a poker game?
The decision of the Trump Administration to impose a 25% across the board tariff on the import of Canadian goods, with a lower tariff on oil, has been analysed ad nauseum by economists and policy wonks in Canada. They rightly point out that it will actually increase costs to the American consumer, and that when…
How Donald Trump Saved Canada
The inauguration of Donald Trump to his second term following a campaign by which Trump dominated by every electoral metric including popular vote, swing states and overall victory in the Electoral College has been either discounted or not understood by the current Canadian government, and unfortunately too many Canadians. The defeat of Kamala Harris was…